10 Christmas Carols That Somebody Needs to Write
The Christmas season is a wonderful time to honor your favorite holiday traditions. Spending time with family, wrapping presents and cooking your favorite winter dishes are some of the great ways to celebrate this time of year.
One of our favorite traditions is singing Christmas carols, mostly the ones that you hear on the radio all of December, the ones you sing to yourself in the shower, but also some of the lesser-known carols. We love going door to door to sing our favorite tunes for our neighbors. However, apparently not everyone knows the songs we like to sing. Here are 10 Christmas carols that no one knows:
1. 'All I Want for Christmas Is to Get Off Unemployment'
2. 'Argh! The Herald Angel Groaned'
3. 'Have Yourself a Happy Little Nondenominational Holiday'
4. 'Let It Snow (Just Not During My Commute to Work)'
5. 'Little Beatbox Boy'
6. 'Randy the One-Armed Elf'
7. 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Hanukkah Harry, and Santa Got Jealous, and Now I'm Not Getting Any Presents'
8. 'Do They Know It's Christmas, or Are They Some Other Religion?'
9. 'Do You Smell What I Smell?'
10. 'Freddy the Discarded Snow Pile'
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