Christmas Shopping

Get those deals
Get those deals
Get those deals
A good tip for bargain hunters: check retailer’s websites before you actually venture out to one of their brick-and-mortar locations.
When to Shop? When not to?
When to Shop? When not to?
When to Shop? When not to?
For some people, holiday shopping is about as dreadful an activity as there exists. It can be a grueling affair, full of uninspiring displays of human behavior that can suck the joy right out of a person’s holiday spirit. But not if you know which days to shop!
Role Reversal
Role Reversal
Role Reversal
In a pleasantly surprising move, a Swedish toy company called Top Toy has made a giant leap for gender equality amongst children. Top Toy's Christmas catalog features an interesting twist: the boys are the ones who are playing with dollhouses and the girls are happily playing with the Nerf guns.
dangerous toys
dangerous toys
dangerous toys
Before you start adding too many toys to your holiday-shopping list this year, perhaps you should consider a couple of reports released earlier this week scrupulously pinpointing the most dangerous toys of 2012.
Deck the Halls With Animals!
Deck the Halls With Animals!
Deck the Halls With Animals!
To really make your home cozy and warm this time of year, add some four-legged decor. Don't worry: We're not talking about hunting hounds wallpaper or kitten doilies. These tasteful and stylish items will make even the most critical of interior designers proud.